Thursday, February 5, 2009

Writing assignments IN

I see that most of you got your papers in on time for Writing Assignment 1. Good.

What happens next:
  1. I meet with TAs tomorrow (Friday) and map out our grading strategy.*
  2. Start grading papers.
  3. Make progress announcements here as we go, when we have grademarked a significant fraction of the 41 papers.
  4. If your paper is graded, you should be able to see a little icon -- you'll click it to see our comments and recommendations.
  5. When all are grademarked, we will consult with you about improvements, because...
  6. Writing Assignment 1A will be revisions, to make your initial paper rock solid.
So for now, bear down on chapter 5 work, and start getting ready for the online midterm exam 1 next week. I hope to have everything graded by Thursday next week.

* Note: In our pre-grading strategy, you might get a second digital receipt from TurnItIn. This will happen if we upload your paper into a dummy assignment area that my TAs and I will use for working out our strategy. It is like a pad of scratch paper. So do not get nervous if you get another digital receipt.