Saturday, October 29, 2011

New learning module is up.

Your completion module for chapter 5 is now up, starting with "Concept Guide E, part 2."

I am also working on a chapter 6 and chapter 8 concept guide, to be released soon.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bonus points

I just posted bonus points for several of you who contributed questions to Exam 2 through the "Bonus question, exam 2" discussion area.

Speed Racer and Inspector Detector both say, "Good work!"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Exam 2 today

Your second midterm today will be available at approx. 12:05 PM. You will have one hour to complete it, and you can use any 60-minute block of time that ends before the closing time, 11:59 PM tonight.

P.S. Don't forget that, while I am putting last minute changes to things, the exam might temporarily disappear and reappear a few times between now and lunchtime. Do not panic!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Heat-melt-heat podcast

There is a new iTunes U visual podcast about the heating/melting process featured in chapter 4, specifically in Example 4.7.

I hope it will also help you grapple the mini-quiz calculation.

Have a look at it before exam 2 on Thursday.

Bonus points opportunity

I just activated the bonus points question area in Discussions, for Exam 2.

Your task: Create a new multiple choice question based on reading or podcast for exam 2.
  1. Multiple choice format
  2. Indicate the correct option with an * asterisk
  3. At the bottom of the question, skip a few lines down and then type in where in the textbook, e.g., page number, another student can read up on the concept or calculation.
  4. Subject: heading should be a short phrase describing the concept
  5. Be creative!
Take a look at the example question I have set up.

The TAs and I will comment on your question, maybe make a suggestion or so. If we use your question on Exam 2, then

  1. you will earn one bonus point,
  2. you will already know the answer to one of the questions on the exam, and
  3. so will anyone else who studies this discussion thread!
So get organized and post up a good question, try to earn a bonus point. They come in REALLY handy at the end of the semester!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Concept guide E

There is a new concept guide for diving into the waves and oscillation concepts of chapter 5. It is a mini-concept guide in that it introduces you to wave concepts but leaves out several parts of chapter 5. Those other parts will be covered after exam 2!

There is also a new Discussions area and a short mini-quiz with a few regular questions and a few brain burners.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

iTunes U mini-podcast

I just set up a new mini-podcast, in our iTunes U area. You need iTunes to view all the diagrams and equations.

Look in the iTunes U folder on our Webcourses home page, and navigate to the podcast site. There is also a help file if you are still using Internet Exploder; Firefox, Safari and Chrome work nicely.

This first podcast is a combo podcast covering two big concepts from chapters 2 and 3. Future podcasts will cover other concepts -- right now, I am in fact working on a heat related podcast, similar to Ex, 4.7. Soon it will be ready and available in iTunes U, too.

Mini-quiz D

Your mini-quiz for Ch. 4 heat concepts is now available. Look in the weekly learning modules folder.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Concept guide D, covering heat concepts.

I just activated a new concept guide concerning chapter 4 about heat.

Probably tonight or tomorrow I will activate a chapter 4 mini-quiz, too.

Check the weekly learning modules folder.