Monday, June 23, 2008

Bonus points to start the semester: Operation Green Protein


It is always nice to start with some bonus points, thereby placing your grade temporarily at the top of the charts. So I have set up a small bonus assignment, Operation Green Protein, inside Learning Module 1 part A. It is a little worksheet type of thingy that the librarians have cooked up, runs good, and it covers plagiarism and how to avoid it. Read a little, take some practice, read some more, take some practice, finish reading, take the quiz .. the "assessment".

I will be able to see the highest score out of four attempts on its 10 questions. Get this done before July 7th and it will earn you bonus points: two bonus points if you max out on the quiz. I will upload the bonus points to Webcourses on July 7 or so.


P.S. This bonus task has nothing to do with protein that is green or any other color! I just like the way the two words rhyme.

Diagram of a green protein: from Nature, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2007) 81, 30–34. doi:10.1038/sj.clpt.6100030