Saturday, March 8, 2008

These groups are now activated in Connotea

Our writing activity will occur in Connotea and Webcourses, so you will belong to a mirror group in Connotea that corresponds to your Webcourses discussion group. Here are the groups that are full in Webcourses and completely activated in Connotea:

In Webcourses            In Connotea

Da Vinci 1daVinci1
Da Vinci 4daVinci4
Connotea column links to each group's library

The following two groups are full inside Webcourses, but some members are not registered in Connotea yet.
  1. Da Vinci 2, Sarah not on Connotea
  2. Younger Dryas 2, Austin and Evan not on Connotea.
Which makes this a good point to remind you: no more points are available to you for the writing assignment unless you are part of Connotea. There are only 11 of you that have not gotten to this task, so get it done ASAP.

Here is the list, in no particular order, of all Connotea groups that have at least one student activated:

  1. daVinci1
  2. daVinci2
  3. daVinci3
  4. daVinci4
  5. daVinci4a
  6. YoungerDryas1
  7. YoungerDryas2
  8. YoungerDryas2a