Saturday, December 7, 2013

Final exam now running, must be completed by 10 PM.

Final Exam today

available 10:05 AM - 10:00 PM

83 questions, 96 regular points plus three bonus point questions, so you can actually earn 99/96 if you crush this final. You must finish by 10:00 PM.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Regular participation points are now up to date.

Your semester grade is based on
  1. 144 points from three midterms,
  2. 48 points participation (i.e., making the mini-quiz deadline)
  3. 96 points on the final exam, Dec. 7
Your regular participation points are now up to date, from mini-quizzes A - K. Therefore, items (i) and (ii) are on the books.

Note: your participation pointage from mini-quiz O are bonus points. That deadline is tomorrow, Nov. 27!

Your big grade ahead is the final exam, on Saturday, Dec. 7. It is 96 points, double the size of a midterm, but you get almost three hours to complete it. Check the syllabus handout page. It is cumulative.

THe final exam is mandatory, and no one may take it early or late, only during the free period on Saturday, Dec. 7, 10:05 AM - 10:00 PM. Be sure to schedule your Saturday carefully to leave a three-hour block of time between 10 AM and 10 PM. Clear everything NOW with your boss at work: academics has priority!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mini-quiz O is ready now.

You can now log in to Mini-quiz O for Oceans. It is due next Wednesday, before the Thanksgiving Day vacation.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Learning module K is ready.

Your last learning module for Exam 3 is now ready. It includes a simple mini-quiz, calculating magma pressures underneath Mount Vesuvius.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Where your grades stand, as of today

You are probably wondering about where your semester grade is heading. Here is a short blurb about how to estimate the state of your grade, as of today.
  1. Add up your two exam scores, total points possible = 96.
  2. Add your semester subtotal of participation points, total points possible = 40.
  3. So the total available right now is 136 points.
  4. Next, calculate your percentage: (your points)/136.
  5. Then look up your grade estimate on this table:
    Estimated gradePoints as of 11/3Percentage
    A123 or more0.90
    Ffewer than 68< 0.50
The grades chart here rhymes with the grade scale in the Syllabus handout page except for the baseline pointage. Here the baseline is 136 points; for the true semester grade, the baseline is 288 points. We still have a lot of pointage ahead of us! You can still make a dent in a low grade.

Learning module for this week -- rocks and minerals

You have a new learning module for this week, concerning rocks and minerals, another application area for our understanding of the quantum world. We dip forward to Ch. 17.

On a side note, expect to see a few bonus points opportunities set up in Webcourses, for your grade-earning possibilities. Keep alert.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Learning module G is ready to go.

Learning module G, on the periodic table, is ready to go now. It is the last new module for Thursday's Exam 2... although, do not forget the first set of modules, because F = ma is always on the schedule in a physics class!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Learning module E2 is ready.

Your learning module for this week, E2, is now ready.

New: I have included a bit of extra reading, through the UCF Library network's Credo database.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Participation points update; grade status estimate

This morning, I updated your participation points from mini-quizzes B, C and D.

SO... there is now a total of 64 points possible to have earned:

  1. 16 participation points, 4 from each of the mini-quizzes A-D;
  2. 48 points from Exam 1.
So if you want to estimate your grade status as of this week, you can add up your participation points and exam score, then divide that by 64. That result will be your current percentage. Then go and look at the grade scale on the syllabus handout page.

I normally do not give out letter grades on exams, but if I were to give out semester grades this week, that is how you'd estimate it.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Midterm Exam 1 mandatory, this Thursday.

Your first midterm exam is on Thursday, Sept. 19th. It is mandatory: there is enough availability time that you can block out an hour of time for it during the day and NOT miss it. If you miss it, it goes down as a zero.


  1. 60 minutes
  2. 48 points
  3. multiple choice, matching and a few calculations. Multiple choice and matching questions are one point each, but calculation questions are for two or three points, so there will probably be a few less than 48 questions that make up the 48 points.
  4. Available approximately 10:05 AM
  5. must be finished by 11:59 PM

Important: You must be sure that your computer and your ISP are functioning perfectly, because the instructor cannot troubleshoot anything for you in that line. It is 100% the student's responsibility. If your computer or ISP flakes out in the middle of the exam, your exam is going to be toast. So be paranoid about computer and ISP. If in doubt, slide over to main campus and take the exam in the library.

Learning module D is ready.

Your fourth learning module is now up. It includes a really thorough mini-quiz, so study carefully and well.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Learning module C is UP.

Learning Module C is ready to go now. Sorry -- it is a few hours late. I usually like to get each module up by 9 AM on Mondays, but being as how it was delayed I made the deadline for the mini-quiz to be midnight, not 5 PM, on Thursday.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Module B opens tomorrow.

Your next learning module B opens up for business tomorrow (Friday) at 9:30 AM. The mini-quiz B deadline is next Friday, 5 PM.

Participation points UP

The participation points from Mini-quiz A are now UP. Most of you got the 4 points. Good.

Most of you have hit the deadline for Mini-quiz A. Those of you who have not done so...

I see that most of you have hit today's deadline for Mini-quiz A.


Those of you who have not done so...

  1. Lauren B.,
  2. Molly C.,
  3. Ermith E.,
  4. Amanda G.,
  5. Kurt L.,
  6. Amanda R.,
  7. Courtney R.,
  8. Valerie SR,
  9. Mark T.,
... you had better get hustling and bustling. Today's deadline is 5 PM!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hydrogen and oxygen in motion

Interesting video of a sink hole. Check the change in the waterline at the end of the video.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our eBook version is now ready.

You can now purchase the eBook version of the Tillery Physical Science textbook. Look for the "eBook etc." page, in the right hand side bar of Webcourses, then follow the instructions. You can use a credit or debit card.

eBook will be here soon!

The McGraw Hill eBook site is still processing our request for the textbook. They've been slow and 503 a lot, being as how it was the first day of school yesterday for so many places, tons of students.

I am hoping it will be squared away and available to you all sometime today.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Webcourses is my new BFF.


But even if Webcourses/Canvas is not our friend, we will persevere and use all of our skills to defeat it this semester.

No homework this week beyond the "Week 1, getting started" activity, but do try to get the textbook squared away.

Welcome aboard, everybody!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What I am reading

OH, brother! What a textbook, from the master!
Galileo Galilei, Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences by Galileo Galilei.

And first of all it seems desirable to find and explain a definition best fitting natural phenomena.

Translated from the Italian and Latin into English by Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio. With an Introduction by Antonio Favaro
(New York: Macmillan, 1914). Accessed from on 2013-08-07

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Grading slowness

I have semester total points fairly well updated now. Comments:
  1. I reviewed mini-quiz K for students who worked on it but never did score any points. If you submitted answers, I awarded you 4 participation points.
  2. I hand graded the longitudinal waves question that many of you had on Exam 3.
  3. All bonus points are in now, from the three test question discussions and mini-quiz O.
I still have to go through exam scores for irregularities; some of you have messaged me about that earlier in Summer B. Always little odds and ends!

Grading by hand... slowly

I have been regrading one of the questions that many of you had though not all of you. It was about longitudinal wave, and Webcourses2 blooped up the options, so that, e.g., "all of the above" was option A. What a blooper. Very confusing.

So I have to go through and grade it by hand. Your grade will not go down, but it might stay the same or go up by 1 point.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Participation points etc.

In case you are wondering, I still have a bunch of participation pointage from mini-quizzes to post for the last two weeks.

Get your exam 3 done, and I will get those participation points squared away either tonight or tomorrow.

Last exam today, August 2, 10:05 AM - 11:59 PM, covering modules H, I, J, K, and O for Oceans, is now ready for you.  It is not cumulative, although it does build on all previous work.   The availability begins at 10:00 AM this morning.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Last office hours was excellent!

We just finished the office hours for tonight, the last session for Summer B. Again, you can view the recording of the session in Adobe Connect and view the transcript. Just go to the "Office hours: recordings, transcripts" page in Webcourses 2.

Good night! See you in the morning for Exam 3!!!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Recording and transcript ready now.

The office hours session tonight was excellent. You can view the recording of it now, plus read the transcript. Check the "Offiec hours: recordings, transcripts" page on Webcourses2!

Good night!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Office hours for getting ready to C R U S H Friday's Exam 3.

I just scheduled two new office hours sessions this week:
  1. Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30 PM, and
  2. Thursday 9:00 - 10:30 PM
to prep for Exam 3 on Friday. Prepare a question or two, because in office hours YOU have the agenda.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Last learning modules are now UP.

The last three learning modules for Summer B are now available in Webcourses2. Two will earn you 4 regular participation points each, but the last one, O for Oceans, will earn you 4 bonus points if you make the Friday deadline.


So get ready to push, finish the last lap with power and crush Exam 3 on Friday!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New mini-podcast on concentrations and solutions

I just published a new mini-podcast about concentrations and solutions, going over some concepts from chapter 11, pp. 280-283.

By the way: To view the artwork track of audio files in iTunes 11, you must Command-click the small square icon left of the progress bar. That will pop out the diagrams, formulas and notes embedded in the artwork track. You can make it full screen, very nice.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Modules are UP for the coming week.

Deeper into the study of molecules and atoms:
  1. Learning Module H, on chemical bonding
  2. Learning Module I, on solutions
The due date for the mini-quiz of each module is this coming Friday, July 26, at 5 PM.

Grades state, as of July 20.

Here is the state of grades, in the form of a histogram, for the entire online section as of this morning.
It includes regular points (mini-quiz participation and exams) plus bonus points for those who've earned them. Also, it shows all but a handful of students who did not take one of the exams: either Exam 1, Exam 2 or both.

TONS of students getting B, almost as many looking at a C, but just a few are taking down an A.

All this is preliminary, and will change in the next two weeks, as we complete five more learning modules and Exam 3.


I just set up a pair of subtotals related to your semester grade, viz.
  1. "Semester points subtotal, July 20" for participation points and exam scores, out of 128 points possible as of July 20; these are the regular pointage activities on the syllabus.
  2. "Bonus points subtotal" -- if you have earned any!
On the Exam 2 question bonus points opportunity, I awarded five students a bonus point for theor questions I used on the exam.

To estimate your grade status as of today, add up (i) and (ii), divide that sum by 128 to get your current percentage, then use this table

A0.90 or more
Fbelow 0.50
Of course, your subtotals will change as we proceed through the next two weeks to complete Summer B.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Exam 2 closing in a few min.

Exam 2 availability is just about done, a handful night owls still working on it.

Right now it looks like the avg. score was 34.07 out of 48, which is about a 71%, about 5% higher than the Exam 1 avg. Good!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Office hours, good session!

We had an excellent online office hours session tonight, going over some of the chapter 8 questions from mini-quiz G plus the brain burner again from mini-quiz F.

The transcript and recording are now available. Look for the "Office hours: recordings, transcripts" page on Webcourses2.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Office hours online Thursday evening for Exam 2 preparations

Last chance for meeting with me online before Exam 2:
Thursday evening office hours, 7/18
Summary: Get ready for Exam 2.
Start Time: 07/18/2013 9:00 PM
Duration: 01:30

Monday, July 15, 2013

Two office hours sessions, one late, one early

I will be holding two office hours sessions tomorrow and Wednesday, one late and one early in the day.
  1. Tuesday evening office hours, 07/16/2013 9:00 - 10:30 PM
  2. Early bird office hours, 07/17/2013 7:30 - 9:00 AM
Check the online office hours page in Webcourses2 for the link to each meeting.

Mini-quiz E duplicate

I accidentally duplicated mini-quiz E last week. You can ignore the duplicate, and I will leave the original version open a few more days, for safety. There are a few of you who only took the duplicate: no worries, I will square away the participation 4 points for you, but you can study with the original version.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Two new modules ready to go

The two new learning modules for this week:
  1. Module F on chapter 6, electromagnetic field, and
  2. Module G on atoms and the periodic table, chapter 8.
There is a special "battlefield version" of mini-quiz F for you to try out prior to the exam on Friday.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Office hours right now!

I am holding online office hours right now in UCF Adobe Connect. The link is in our Webcourses2 area, in the right sidebar.

Mini-quiz F, "Battlefield version"

I have just set up a "battlefield" version of mini-quiz F for next week's module F. It is meant to simulate "battlefield conditions" of a regular midterm exam:

  1. Fast pace: avg. one minute per question
  2. one question at a time

Use the regular mini-quiz F for leisurely studying. Use the battlefield version for testing your computer and ISP, to make sure that everything works well. Please be super paranoid about this: If it loads slowly, find another computer or internet service that runs fast and smooth.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New podcast for chapter 5 concepts

I just completed a new podcast, related to chapter 5, Fig. 5.2, a spring oscillator system. It is uploading to our iTunes U area right now.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bonus points posted

I just finished typing in the bonus points for five students who contributed questions for Exam 1 which were such good questions that I had to use them on the actual exam. You may have recognized the questions.

For those of you who contributed but did not get bonus pointage,

  1. it might be because it was wrong, or
  2. because it was too simple, or
  3. because it was too close a copy of one my mini-quiz questions, but
  4. it might have been a good question that needed revision but you did not follow up after my comment for revision!
We will have similar bonus point opportunities for Exam 2 and Exam 3. Be ready to grab that bonus and GO! GO! GO!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Learning modules E and E2 are now ready.

You can now start studying the concepts in learning modules E and E2. Their mini-quiz deadlines are this coming Friday, July 12, 5:00 PM.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Exam 1 is running now.

Exam 1 is running now, with already a few students in there taking it.

Complete it before 11:59 PM tonight.

Next modules will be activated Saturday morning.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Office hours Wednesday evening (tonight)

I will hold online office hours for general discussion tonight, 9:00 - 10:30 PM. This is the last chance for office hours consultation before Exam 1, which you must complete between 10:05 AM and 11:59 PM on Friday, July 5 (this Friday!).

Monday, July 1, 2013

Postpone office hours to 9:00 PM tonight

Due to an NBA-related emergency, I have to postpone my online office hours until 9 PM tonight. We will go from 9:00 - 10:30 PM. See you then!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

New podcast

There is a new podcast concerning universal gravitation and the variation of g with altitude.

Look in our iTunes U area.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Participation pointage

When you score at least one question correctly on a mini-quiz before its deadline, it shows you have done a bit of studying by the deadline. This earns you 4 points on your semester grade. The first twelve modules each have a mini-quiz, for which participation pointage accrues to your semester grade; the last module, Module O for Oceans, will generate some bonus points.

I just posted the participation points for this week's modules, A and B. (Oceans 1 was just a practice mini-quiz.)

Transcripts; Monday office hours online

We had six or seven students in office hours last night, and we talked over a LOT of exercises and calculation techniques. Excellent. You can probably see all the chat transcript and some of the audio in the "Office hours: recordings, transcripts" page in Webcourses 2.

We will have online office hours on Monday next week, 8:00 - 9:30 AM.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Recording and transcripts of office hours

I just set up a page with links to the recording and transcript of office hours. We had a decent session tonight on how to install and use iTunes U.

The recordings and transcripts page is in the right sidebar of Webcourses2.

More office hours for Wednesday evening

We will have online office hours tonight, through the link in Webcourses2.
Office hours online
Start: 800 PM
End: 9:30 PM
Drop in and discuss the course with Dr. Brueckner.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Friday due dates for mini-quizzes

You may have noticed that the due dates for mini-quizzes are always Friday. But because it is summer, no final exam period, the three exams this summer are also on Fridays, every two Fridays, starting July 5.

My ordinary procedure is to open the exam availability at 10:05 AM, before which I always deactivate the mini-quizzes.

That being the case, the mini-quizzes are due at different times:

  1. on 1st, 3rd and 5th weeks of Summer B, mini-quizzes are due at 5 PM, Friday, but
  2. on exam weeks, 2nd, 4th and 6th weeks, the mini-quizzes must be due at 9 AM and must go off the air at 9:30 AM.
By the way, the 4 points you receive for doing your mini-quiz and getting at least one question correct, is my way of encouraging students to keep and even pace of studying a little bit each week.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Office hours tonight!

I am holding office hours until 9:30 PM tonight. Use the link inside Webcourses 2.


I finished this interesting biography of Rosalind Franklin.

Her famous x-ray image of the DNA molecule is one of the most famous scientific images ever. But she died young and was not given the Nobel Prize with the others, Wilkins, Crick, Watson, even though her images were they key information for them in building the double helix model of DNA!

Very sad in the end, but she lived lived a good life.

Any PSC1121 student who got this book and read it would really learn about life and even a bit of physics!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Biography of Rosalind Franklin, hart to put down.

This interesting biography of Rosalind Franklin is very hard to put down.

Lots of physics concepts set in the drama of a one woman's life. Her famous x-ray image of the DNA molecule is one of the most famous scientific images ever. But she died young and was not given the Nobel Prize with the others, Wilkins, Crick, Watson.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Interesting gamma ray burst during finals week, GRB 130427A

An interesting gamma ray burst happened during finals week, GRB 130427A

Back in the early 1960s, the United States launched a few satellites, the Vela satellites, to detect secret nuclear weapons testing by the Soviet Union. By treaty between the US and USSR, no one was to test nuclear weapons above ground; underground testing was permitted. To monitor the Russians, US scientists at Los Alamos developed the Vela platform.

Nobody ever saw the Russkies nuking off any above ground tests, but while the detectors were not over Siberia, they could definitely see bursts of high energy gamma rays from sources outside the solar system.


In the 1970s, they began publishing scientific studies of these gamma ray bursters. The image below is an animation of the April 27 burst. Click the image to see the animation.

There is still a lot of study going on as to why these GRBs happen all over the universe. We do not know for sure, and neither do the Russians. This GRB was so close and so well-imaged, that maybe someone will now crack the puzzle, using F = ma, quantum physics and all the concepts we study in PSC1121.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Final exam is ready.

Final examination today.

80 points, 76 questions

This exam is mandatory, and there are no makeups, no early or late exams. You get exactly one attempt, so do not blow it. You must make sure you internet connection is working flawlessly.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bonus points opportunity for everyone

I just activated a bonus points activity in Discussions, creating a question for the final exam on Saturday.

Go for it!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

All but the final

I just updated all points from mini-quiz participation, making 52 possible based on 13 mini-quizzes, 4 points each.

You now have all regular points for the semester other than the final examination.

You can now estimate can now estimate your grade going into the final:

  1. Add up the midterm exam subtotal and the mini-quiz participation subtotal, then
  2. divide that sum by 132. That gives you your percentage going into the final exam.
  3. Look up that percentage on the red grade scale table on the syllabus page.
  4. Note: You cannot use the points values in the grade scale yet, because the final exam is not on the books yet.
And I apologize that the gradebook inside Webcourses is somewhat incomprehensible. I just cannot get it to do what I want, and I cannot turn off all its loathesome percentages! BAH!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Learning module O for Oceans is now ready. It requires some online journal reading, which is linked to the concept guide. There will be questions on the mini-quiz about this reading, and on the final exam!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


You have some new rows in your Grades page in Webcourses2 for managing your grade subtotals.

Brain burner adjustment factor 0.01

For those of you who tried the mini-quiz K calculations, The Revenge of Mount Vesuvius, and did not get it correct, I am awarding 0.01 points. This will signify that you did attempt the mini-quiz, but miscalculated, which I can see by some of your answers.

This allows me to post up 4 points for you from taking mini-quiz K by the deadline last night.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Next to last learning module is GO.

You can now work through learning module K, concerning plate tectonics, volcanoes etc.

The mini-quiz is just a pair of calculations, so study well.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Putting out fires

I am putting out fires in my lecture section this morning, started in the internet tinder box named Webcourses2. So the module for today might not be activated until after supper time. Big small disasterness.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Mini-quiz J is loopy.

For some reason, when I activated Mini-quiz J, it was set to award 0.01 point per question. So some of you, getting all questions correct, baggged 0.29 points on it.

It is not a problem, because I can see you have gotten in there and answered at least one question correctly, so you will get your 4 points today.

But if you feel like getting 29 points on the mini-quiz, take it one more time because I went back in this morning and set it to 1 point per question.

Monday, April 1, 2013

New module

There is a new module for this week, learning module J, concerning rocks and minerals. I might try to create a new mini-podcast this week to go along with it.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Exam 3 this week

We have midterm Exam 3 this week, covering modules F, G and H.

Module I is ready but I will release the mini-quiz I after the exam.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Module H ready

This week's learning module H is now ready. Lot's of atomic and nuclear concepts!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Grade estimate, halfway point

We are just past the midpoint for the semester, so it is a good point to help you estimate your grade status. If I were to give a mid-semester grade, it would be helpful, so that you know where you stand.
We cannot go by points yet, because there is another midterm, more points from mini-quizzes and the final exam still to come. That is normal.
However, we can go by percentage:
Letter grade estimatePercentage
A90% or higher
Fless than 50%

As of 5 PM today, there will be 112 points officially on the books. So add up your exam 1, exam 2 and "points from mini-quiz" numbers, then divide that by 112. That quotient will give you your percentage as of 5 PM today.
Note: Some of you have already got your 4 points from mini-quiz G posted; the rest of you will have to wait until Saturday morning, but if you get that mini-quiz done and get at least one question correct, you can mentally pencil in 4 points for yourself from mini-quiz G.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Go for Module G.

Sorry for not getting activated til this afternoon. It was a hectic spring break for me, but we are back on track. Learning Module G is now ready to tackle. The mini-quiz will be due on Friday this week, 5 PM, as usual. It has some simple yet nasty looking calculations, so study carefully.

Make sure to review the hydrogen ground state podcast.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Learning module F is ready.

Your next learning module is now ready. Sorry it took so much time -- I had a bunch of images to import, kind of tricky.

Monday, February 18, 2013

New module is ready.

This week's learning module is E2, which completes the section on waves and oscillations.

Get studying, and be sure to take the mini-quiz at least once before the deadline Friday!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Learning module E is now ready.

You can now tackle all of learning module E on spring oscillator systems.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Module E will be activated a bit later today.

I am in the middle of some huge piles of grading in my other courses, so the learning module E might not get activated until maybe a bit later tonight, after supper time. There are still some glitches to fix up in the module.

So work on your other classes until maybe later tonight.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The GRAIL spacecraft reveals small variations in our moon's gravity field.

An interesting look at variations in the gravitational field of our moon, from the GRAIL spacecraft.

Mercator projections of free-air gravity, topography, and Bouguer gravity. Frames in (A) highlight the area surrounding the Korolev impact basin, at center. Frames in (B) show the western limb of Oceanus Procellarum. Details of free-air and Bouguer gravity are the same as in Fig. 1. Topography is from a LOLA 1/64° grid.

Cf., Zuber et al., Science 8 February 2013: Vol. 339 no. 6120 pp. 668-671.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1231507

Free-air gravity adjusts the value of g for altitude above sea level; Bouguer gravity also corrects for the mass of the rock piled up to that altitude.

1000 mGal = 1000 milliGalileos = 1 cm/sec2. So the variations are small but telling.


Friday, February 8, 2013

4 points

I have posted the four points you get for taking the mini-quizzes on time. So that means mini-quiz A, mini-quiz B, and mini-quiz C. Those are the points that go into your semester grade.

Also: Sorry that your Grades page looks such a hodgepodge. No one seems to know how to control the rows on the Grades page, but I hope to figure out a method soon, so that it looks more like our grading scheme and is easy to understand.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Learning module D is ready!

You can now work on module D, concerning heat energy.

Exam 1 results

I will release Exam 1 results first thing tomorrow morning. For now, I think you can see you score.

Good night, gotta catch up on ZZZZ.

Exam 1 is ready to go.

Your Exam 1 is now published and ready to go for 10:05 AM. You will have 60 minutes to complete it, so block out a solid one hour from your schedule that
  1. starts sometime after 10:05 AM and
  2. ends before 11:59 PM.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Δt and what it means

Have you been wondering, what's the use of this Δt interaction time that Dr. B keeps gassing about?

How about looking at it like a car driver?

  1. Is it better to stop short, like this driver...

  2. or to stop long like this guy?

That can be a life and death proposition. You definitely like long stopping time when driving.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Next learning module is ready.

Your learning module C is now ready. The mini-quiz will open at supper time tonight.

This is the last module that we will cover on Examination 1, although I will activate learning module D next week.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Learning module B is up.

Your learning module for this week is now functioning.

Remember to keep your mental composure at an even keel as we fight back against the machines, including the new Terminator known as Webcourses2. :D