You may have noticed that the due dates for mini-quizzes are always Friday. But because it is summer, no final exam period, the three exams this summer are also on Fridays, every two Fridays, starting July 5.
My ordinary procedure is to open the exam availability at 10:05 AM, before which I always deactivate the mini-quizzes.
That being the case, the mini-quizzes are due at different times:
- on 1st, 3rd and 5th weeks of Summer B, mini-quizzes are due at 5 PM, Friday, but
- on exam weeks, 2nd, 4th and 6th weeks, the mini-quizzes must be due at 9 AM and must go off the air at 9:30 AM.
By the way, the 4 points you receive for doing your mini-quiz and getting at least one question correct, is my way of encouraging students to keep and even pace of studying a little bit each week.