Saturday, July 20, 2013


I just set up a pair of subtotals related to your semester grade, viz.
  1. "Semester points subtotal, July 20" for participation points and exam scores, out of 128 points possible as of July 20; these are the regular pointage activities on the syllabus.
  2. "Bonus points subtotal" -- if you have earned any!
On the Exam 2 question bonus points opportunity, I awarded five students a bonus point for theor questions I used on the exam.

To estimate your grade status as of today, add up (i) and (ii), divide that sum by 128 to get your current percentage, then use this table

A0.90 or more
Fbelow 0.50
Of course, your subtotals will change as we proceed through the next two weeks to complete Summer B.