Sunday, November 3, 2013

Where your grades stand, as of today

You are probably wondering about where your semester grade is heading. Here is a short blurb about how to estimate the state of your grade, as of today.
  1. Add up your two exam scores, total points possible = 96.
  2. Add your semester subtotal of participation points, total points possible = 40.
  3. So the total available right now is 136 points.
  4. Next, calculate your percentage: (your points)/136.
  5. Then look up your grade estimate on this table:
    Estimated gradePoints as of 11/3Percentage
    A123 or more0.90
    Ffewer than 68< 0.50
The grades chart here rhymes with the grade scale in the Syllabus handout page except for the baseline pointage. Here the baseline is 136 points; for the true semester grade, the baseline is 288 points. We still have a lot of pointage ahead of us! You can still make a dent in a low grade.