Thanks to everybody who took the time to do the Velociraptors or super-spiders bonus experiment. It is now closed, as scheduled. You helped me try out the Assignment tool, and we are now using that tool for Writing Task 1A, item 2.
Writing Task 1A, item 2 is a 5 point assignment and part of your semester grade. It is due on July 7, but get it wrapped up as soon as you can, just to be on the safe side. Remember: there are two versions, and you will be randomly assigned to one version, and that is the version you must complete.
More items next week, in Writing Task 1B!
By the way, if you did not get to try the velociraptors bonus item, don't worry! We will have other bonus opportunities here and there, so keep your eyes peeled and be ready. I will always announce their availability here.