Bonus point opportunity:
Post a question for Exam 1 that you create, based on your notes, readings or other materials for modules A, B and C.
Post a question for Exam 1 that you create, based on your notes, readings or other materials for modules A, B and C.
Here are the rules:
- Create a multiple choice question with four or five options.
- Indicate the correct option with an * asterisk.
- In the Subject box, type in a short phrase that decries your question.
- Below your question's options, skip a few lines and type in the page in the textbook where another student can study up on the correct concept.
- Dr. Brueckner will comment or maybe ask you to revise the question.
- If your question is good enough to use on the exam, you will earn one bonus point.
- Take a look at the example question on friction and work.
The bonus questions can make a nifty study guide, too.