Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bonus points opportunity

I just activated the bonus points question area in Discussions, for Exam 2.

Your task: Create a new multiple choice question based on reading or podcast for exam 2.
  1. Multiple choice format
  2. Indicate the correct option with an * asterisk
  3. At the bottom of the question, skip a few lines down and then type in where in the textbook, e.g., page number, another student can read up on the concept or calculation.
  4. Subject: heading should be a short phrase describing the concept
  5. Be creative!
Take a look at the example question I have set up.

The TAs and I will comment on your question, maybe make a suggestion or so. If we use your question on Exam 2, then

  1. you will earn one bonus point,
  2. you will already know the answer to one of the questions on the exam, and
  3. so will anyone else who studies this discussion thread!
So get organized and post up a good question, try to earn a bonus point. They come in REALLY handy at the end of the semester!