On a final exam, I usually set up maybe 4 or 5 bonus point opportunities. Therefore, since I could not squeeze in some Ch. 24 exam questions etc. on the final, I converted your Chapter 24 mini-quiz work into bonus points, 1, 2, 3 or 4 bonus points based on your average for the 4 attempts. The bonus points appear in "Bonus activity X" row of your My Grades page.
And Webcourses just burped on me again. >:|
UNbelievable! Well, the bonus data are in there. Also, your final exam score is released now.
I will be working on grades for the next two days or so. For this reason, you might see a bonus point file disappear and reappear suddenly, a midterm change position or some similar weirdness on your My Grades page. Do not stress out -- iit is just a sign of me arranging and rearraging data in the klunky Webcourses grade book!