Saturday, January 22, 2011

New mini-podcasts

I just activated several new mini-podcasts to support studying in chapters 3 and 4.

Remember: the mini-podcasts are enhanced audio .m4a files, with embedded equations, notes, diagrams etc. in the artwork track. They are meant to be viewed:
  1. To see the visual content, you must download using the GET button for individual mini-podcasts or through the SUBSCRIBE button for all future mini-podcasts. (After you subscribe, iTunes will automatically download future podcasts.)
  2. Select the downloaded mini-podcastt from inside the iTunes U library with the teeny hat icon
  3. Click the PLAY button, then the teeny "Show or hide item artwork" button in lower left of iTunes window.
  4. Click the "Now Playing" panel and it will pop out into full screen mode.