- 50 points, approximately 50 questions*
- Time to take exam 1: 60 minutes.
- Availability: 12:05 - 11:59 PM.
- Schedule yourself for a one hour block of time that begins after lunch and ends before 11:59 PM.
- You see questions one at a time and Webcourses allows questions to be revisited.
- One attempt only.
- No re-takes, no make-ups, no early takes.
- Topics, concepts, diagrams and calculations from Module 1 only.
- Be ready to think. ← will be your biggest challenge.
Make sure to take the "battlefield" version of the chapter 3 mini-quiz, to make double sure that your browser and internet service can handle the exam process. If your computer flakes out on you in the middle of the exam, there is noting I can do, and you'll be stuck with whatever points you have scored before the failure.
* Sometimes a matching question will have several items to match, so the question count goes down. I.e., Webcourses counts 4-item matching as one question. So if that were on the test it would be a 4-point question, and there would be only 47 questions. So no matter how this exam stacks up, you will have 50 points.