- Performance is skewed toward the high end shows in that there were more B grades than D grades.
- Because performance is skewed toward the high end, if I graded "on the curve," it would rip off the students in the middle and the high end who busted their you-know-what to bring their grade up.
- It was a tough test to ace, yet relatively few students got an F on the final.
- There were a TON of C and B grades.
- All together: it was a tough but reasonable and not completely impossible final exam.
Overall: Most of you worked faithfully and very hard this semester and brought up your exam scores: 64% of the class did better on the final exam, percentage-wise, than they did on midterm 1.
That being the case, most of you have done the proverbial "yeoman's job" this semester in a tough course. My hat goes off to you.