Look for this Connotea icon on the home page. It is the entryway for the writing/bookmarking group signup sheets. Double check the questions we selected and then find a group dedicated to that question.
As soon as you click to sign up, your Da Vinci or Younger Dryas group's private discussion area will automatically appear. Look in "Discussions related to the writing assignments" in Discussions. There are already two postings for you to read and act on. We will be grading your participation in the private discussions.
Also, look through the Writing module, especially the March-April schedule (item 1.3), Connotea catchup (item 4.3), and the blurb on how I will add your username to a Connotea group that corresponds to your WebCourses group.
Deadline for group signup is lunchtime, Monday after vacation. After that, we are going to proceed forward. If you miss this deadline, your grade for the writing project will be kaput.