If you got 99 on your "Connotea works?" score, that means your library needs to be fixed, and the comment line will direct you how. Most need SFX to be activated.
- Click to the Writing Assignment module via the icon of a man running with a pencil.
- Open the Writing Assignment: two tracks page.
- Select the bookmarking startup move b, "Join the Connotea social bookmarking site."
- Re-do items D and E in the startup assignment box. They will allow you to get SFX set up and working, which will make the DOI method useful to you and your group.
A few of you got comments on cleaning up your bookmark - edit for author, page and volume number etc. Just hit the Edit link next to that bookmark.
If you have not gotten registered, get that done or you will be unable to get any points on the writing assignment; see step 3 above. Your link now is past the deadline, so you won't even get partial credit, but without a Connotea library, you will risk zero/50 on the entire assignment in which you cannot participate.
Some of you have email trouble from Connotea - stay with it and coordinate with Ashton and Dr. B. We will get it whipped into shape!