Here is the beginning of our major physics study for the semester, "Concept guide 1: Galileo and the laws of motion," which lays out a ton of different study tasks. [Snapshot of one portion, left]
Consider this your independent study guide to prepare for midterm 1.
All of our other study activities relate back to this concept guide. It is the nucleus of everything for the first part of the semester. Mini-quizzes, discussions, podcasts and any other study tool I introduce will be related to tis concept guide.
So concentrate on this page above all else.
From time to time, Ashton Dacus (our TA) and I will set up new study tools. As soon as we set them up, we will announce them here in this Blogspot. So keep your eyeballs here every day!! Do some studying every week and do not get behind. This Blogspot will help you stay on pace and not get behind.