Tomorrow is midterm examination 1. I see you guys are working really hard. That is good.
Your exam in Webcourses will be 50 questions, one point per question. They will be multiple choice, true/false with maybe a matching or scrambled sentence question or so in there. There will be a few basic calculations, maybe one or two brain-burner calculations, but mostly it will be concepts questions. It will look a lot like the mini-quizzes for the chapters.
You will have 60 minutes. Once you start, 60 minutes later, you have to be done.
Availability is from 12:05 PM lunchtime until 11:55 PM. So block out one hour in your schedule for the exam.
You can take it from anywhere, but make sure that your internet connection is rock solid and that your computer is super reliable. If your gear flakes out on you in the middle of the exam, you are going to be high and dry. I can do nothing about your computer, and UCF tells us instructors not to troubleshoot your internet service. Instead, UCF expects you to be responsible for that. So be semi-paranoid about your computer.
Take the exam early as possible. Sometimes students who wait until 10 PM will have troubles - no one is sure why, but most exam troubles occur later in the evening.
Study hard. Be ready to read carefully and to think!