Sunday, September 29, 2013

Learning module E2 is ready.

Your learning module for this week, E2, is now ready.

New: I have included a bit of extra reading, through the UCF Library network's Credo database.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Participation points update; grade status estimate

This morning, I updated your participation points from mini-quizzes B, C and D.

SO... there is now a total of 64 points possible to have earned:

  1. 16 participation points, 4 from each of the mini-quizzes A-D;
  2. 48 points from Exam 1.
So if you want to estimate your grade status as of this week, you can add up your participation points and exam score, then divide that by 64. That result will be your current percentage. Then go and look at the grade scale on the syllabus handout page.

I normally do not give out letter grades on exams, but if I were to give out semester grades this week, that is how you'd estimate it.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Midterm Exam 1 mandatory, this Thursday.

Your first midterm exam is on Thursday, Sept. 19th. It is mandatory: there is enough availability time that you can block out an hour of time for it during the day and NOT miss it. If you miss it, it goes down as a zero.


  1. 60 minutes
  2. 48 points
  3. multiple choice, matching and a few calculations. Multiple choice and matching questions are one point each, but calculation questions are for two or three points, so there will probably be a few less than 48 questions that make up the 48 points.
  4. Available approximately 10:05 AM
  5. must be finished by 11:59 PM

Important: You must be sure that your computer and your ISP are functioning perfectly, because the instructor cannot troubleshoot anything for you in that line. It is 100% the student's responsibility. If your computer or ISP flakes out in the middle of the exam, your exam is going to be toast. So be paranoid about computer and ISP. If in doubt, slide over to main campus and take the exam in the library.

Learning module D is ready.

Your fourth learning module is now up. It includes a really thorough mini-quiz, so study carefully and well.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Learning module C is UP.

Learning Module C is ready to go now. Sorry -- it is a few hours late. I usually like to get each module up by 9 AM on Mondays, but being as how it was delayed I made the deadline for the mini-quiz to be midnight, not 5 PM, on Thursday.