Thursday, August 29, 2013

Module B opens tomorrow.

Your next learning module B opens up for business tomorrow (Friday) at 9:30 AM. The mini-quiz B deadline is next Friday, 5 PM.

Participation points UP

The participation points from Mini-quiz A are now UP. Most of you got the 4 points. Good.

Most of you have hit the deadline for Mini-quiz A. Those of you who have not done so...

I see that most of you have hit today's deadline for Mini-quiz A.


Those of you who have not done so...

  1. Lauren B.,
  2. Molly C.,
  3. Ermith E.,
  4. Amanda G.,
  5. Kurt L.,
  6. Amanda R.,
  7. Courtney R.,
  8. Valerie SR,
  9. Mark T.,
... you had better get hustling and bustling. Today's deadline is 5 PM!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hydrogen and oxygen in motion

Interesting video of a sink hole. Check the change in the waterline at the end of the video.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our eBook version is now ready.

You can now purchase the eBook version of the Tillery Physical Science textbook. Look for the "eBook etc." page, in the right hand side bar of Webcourses, then follow the instructions. You can use a credit or debit card.

eBook will be here soon!

The McGraw Hill eBook site is still processing our request for the textbook. They've been slow and 503 a lot, being as how it was the first day of school yesterday for so many places, tons of students.

I am hoping it will be squared away and available to you all sometime today.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Webcourses is my new BFF.


But even if Webcourses/Canvas is not our friend, we will persevere and use all of our skills to defeat it this semester.

No homework this week beyond the "Week 1, getting started" activity, but do try to get the textbook squared away.

Welcome aboard, everybody!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What I am reading

OH, brother! What a textbook, from the master!
Galileo Galilei, Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences by Galileo Galilei.

And first of all it seems desirable to find and explain a definition best fitting natural phenomena.

Translated from the Italian and Latin into English by Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio. With an Introduction by Antonio Favaro
(New York: Macmillan, 1914). Accessed from on 2013-08-07

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Grading slowness

I have semester total points fairly well updated now. Comments:
  1. I reviewed mini-quiz K for students who worked on it but never did score any points. If you submitted answers, I awarded you 4 participation points.
  2. I hand graded the longitudinal waves question that many of you had on Exam 3.
  3. All bonus points are in now, from the three test question discussions and mini-quiz O.
I still have to go through exam scores for irregularities; some of you have messaged me about that earlier in Summer B. Always little odds and ends!

Grading by hand... slowly

I have been regrading one of the questions that many of you had though not all of you. It was about longitudinal wave, and Webcourses2 blooped up the options, so that, e.g., "all of the above" was option A. What a blooper. Very confusing.

So I have to go through and grade it by hand. Your grade will not go down, but it might stay the same or go up by 1 point.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Participation points etc.

In case you are wondering, I still have a bunch of participation pointage from mini-quizzes to post for the last two weeks.

Get your exam 3 done, and I will get those participation points squared away either tonight or tomorrow.

Last exam today, August 2, 10:05 AM - 11:59 PM, covering modules H, I, J, K, and O for Oceans, is now ready for you.  It is not cumulative, although it does build on all previous work.   The availability begins at 10:00 AM this morning.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Last office hours was excellent!

We just finished the office hours for tonight, the last session for Summer B. Again, you can view the recording of the session in Adobe Connect and view the transcript. Just go to the "Office hours: recordings, transcripts" page in Webcourses 2.

Good night! See you in the morning for Exam 3!!!