Saturday, April 27, 2013

Final exam is ready.

Final examination today.

80 points, 76 questions

This exam is mandatory, and there are no makeups, no early or late exams. You get exactly one attempt, so do not blow it. You must make sure you internet connection is working flawlessly.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bonus points opportunity for everyone

I just activated a bonus points activity in Discussions, creating a question for the final exam on Saturday.

Go for it!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

All but the final

I just updated all points from mini-quiz participation, making 52 possible based on 13 mini-quizzes, 4 points each.

You now have all regular points for the semester other than the final examination.

You can now estimate can now estimate your grade going into the final:

  1. Add up the midterm exam subtotal and the mini-quiz participation subtotal, then
  2. divide that sum by 132. That gives you your percentage going into the final exam.
  3. Look up that percentage on the red grade scale table on the syllabus page.
  4. Note: You cannot use the points values in the grade scale yet, because the final exam is not on the books yet.
And I apologize that the gradebook inside Webcourses is somewhat incomprehensible. I just cannot get it to do what I want, and I cannot turn off all its loathesome percentages! BAH!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Learning module O for Oceans is now ready. It requires some online journal reading, which is linked to the concept guide. There will be questions on the mini-quiz about this reading, and on the final exam!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


You have some new rows in your Grades page in Webcourses2 for managing your grade subtotals.

Brain burner adjustment factor 0.01

For those of you who tried the mini-quiz K calculations, The Revenge of Mount Vesuvius, and did not get it correct, I am awarding 0.01 points. This will signify that you did attempt the mini-quiz, but miscalculated, which I can see by some of your answers.

This allows me to post up 4 points for you from taking mini-quiz K by the deadline last night.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Next to last learning module is GO.

You can now work through learning module K, concerning plate tectonics, volcanoes etc.

The mini-quiz is just a pair of calculations, so study well.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Putting out fires

I am putting out fires in my lecture section this morning, started in the internet tinder box named Webcourses2. So the module for today might not be activated until after supper time. Big small disasterness.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Mini-quiz J is loopy.

For some reason, when I activated Mini-quiz J, it was set to award 0.01 point per question. So some of you, getting all questions correct, baggged 0.29 points on it.

It is not a problem, because I can see you have gotten in there and answered at least one question correctly, so you will get your 4 points today.

But if you feel like getting 29 points on the mini-quiz, take it one more time because I went back in this morning and set it to 1 point per question.

Monday, April 1, 2013

New module

There is a new module for this week, learning module J, concerning rocks and minerals. I might try to create a new mini-podcast this week to go along with it.