Thursday, February 28, 2013

Learning module F is ready.

Your next learning module is now ready. Sorry it took so much time -- I had a bunch of images to import, kind of tricky.

Monday, February 18, 2013

New module is ready.

This week's learning module is E2, which completes the section on waves and oscillations.

Get studying, and be sure to take the mini-quiz at least once before the deadline Friday!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Learning module E is now ready.

You can now tackle all of learning module E on spring oscillator systems.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Module E will be activated a bit later today.

I am in the middle of some huge piles of grading in my other courses, so the learning module E might not get activated until maybe a bit later tonight, after supper time. There are still some glitches to fix up in the module.

So work on your other classes until maybe later tonight.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The GRAIL spacecraft reveals small variations in our moon's gravity field.

An interesting look at variations in the gravitational field of our moon, from the GRAIL spacecraft.

Mercator projections of free-air gravity, topography, and Bouguer gravity. Frames in (A) highlight the area surrounding the Korolev impact basin, at center. Frames in (B) show the western limb of Oceanus Procellarum. Details of free-air and Bouguer gravity are the same as in Fig. 1. Topography is from a LOLA 1/64° grid.

Cf., Zuber et al., Science 8 February 2013: Vol. 339 no. 6120 pp. 668-671.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1231507

Free-air gravity adjusts the value of g for altitude above sea level; Bouguer gravity also corrects for the mass of the rock piled up to that altitude.

1000 mGal = 1000 milliGalileos = 1 cm/sec2. So the variations are small but telling.


Friday, February 8, 2013

4 points

I have posted the four points you get for taking the mini-quizzes on time. So that means mini-quiz A, mini-quiz B, and mini-quiz C. Those are the points that go into your semester grade.

Also: Sorry that your Grades page looks such a hodgepodge. No one seems to know how to control the rows on the Grades page, but I hope to figure out a method soon, so that it looks more like our grading scheme and is easy to understand.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Learning module D is ready!

You can now work on module D, concerning heat energy.

Exam 1 results

I will release Exam 1 results first thing tomorrow morning. For now, I think you can see you score.

Good night, gotta catch up on ZZZZ.

Exam 1 is ready to go.

Your Exam 1 is now published and ready to go for 10:05 AM. You will have 60 minutes to complete it, so block out a solid one hour from your schedule that
  1. starts sometime after 10:05 AM and
  2. ends before 11:59 PM.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Δt and what it means

Have you been wondering, what's the use of this Δt interaction time that Dr. B keeps gassing about?

How about looking at it like a car driver?

  1. Is it better to stop short, like this driver...

  2. or to stop long like this guy?

That can be a life and death proposition. You definitely like long stopping time when driving.