Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I am double checking your guys' points etc. before I post the semester grades. I have not forgotten you. Lots of data to double check, for you guys and for the lecture sections.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Finals for another few hundred students

Some of you have sent course mail about grades etc. But I cannot take on your questions individually right now, because I am in the middle of getting finals ready for a big lecture section Monday morning. Lot's to do.

In the mean time, take a look at "Grades and points" on the home page. I always go by points in awarding semester letter grades, and the points table is right there.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


In case you notice that your My Grades page looks all goofy:
I am messing around with the grade book this afternoon. It is not as easy to work with as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, so sometimes I have to deactivate, reactivate and rearrange various columns of the grade book.

To you guys, this'd look like rows moving up and down and disappearing in the My Grades page.

So do not panic. Everything is kosher. By tomorrow afternoon, it ought to look a bit more righteous.

Final exam is GO for 1:00 PM launch.

The final exam is ready for 1:00 PM launch. Everything else will go off the air at that time.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Summary analytical exam

The university has a summary analytical test for everybody to take. It's fifteen minutes, over in the "GEP PSC1121 09Fall" area of Webcourses.

The exam is short and will be available until Dec. 14th. Please take it before your final exam.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Look for the blue mailbox with scary eyeballs

Your semeter review quiz is in the Week 16 learning module, now visible and active. Go take a look and remember: the review quiz is only one tool out of MANY that you should use to get ready for the final exam on Saturday afternoon.

The Week 16 module also has schedule and grade info to double check. Look for the scary eyeballs blue mailbox icon.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Final exam schedule for all classes

Public Service Announcement:

Here is the schedule for final exam week, for all classes.

University of Central Florida Exam Schedule
Make sure that you know all of your exam times, and if there is a conflict with your PSC1121 final exam, let me know. It happens occasionally. We will coordinate with the other instructor.

WARNING: if this is your first semester at UCF, read that schedule carefully!! It is set up weirdly, in my opinion.

By the way, we stick to our exam schedule by necessity, so do not ask me to take it early or late. Your section has one and only one time for its final exam, as printed out on the fall semester schedule and the "grades and points" pages from Day One.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"BONUS Design a question for Final Exam" discussion is open.

"BONUS Design a question for Final Exam" discussion is open now, and you can post your contributions now.

Create a good multiple choice question for the final exam, from chapters 20-22 electromagnetism concepts. Same procedures as before:

  1. asterisk * to signify correct option;
  2. chapter and page number for studying the answer.
  3. Two bonus points if I use yours on the final exam.